
I don’t know how long
our old grandparent
and young grandchild
ash trees will fare.

The jeweled ash borer
chews its caverns here

and everywhere.

Chain saws and a new
grapple hook and blade
feed whole trunks to a
chipper parked nearby.

Technology does in an hour
what several did in a day

One more year, one more time,
we’ll treat our leafy friends
in the hope that we can
Somehow stop beetles’ spread.

Rumbles of chipper and
Grinder in weeks ahead
remind that it takes just
a moment to savage

our leaf scape, our friends.

One thought on “Lament

  1. Oh, Lordy. How sad. Even tree trimming around here can be grievous; it’s no fun watching the squirrels who’ve lost their homes scatter in disbelief.

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